This time, Christmas ended in a waltz with monkey instead of a tantrum. In the toddler world, this spells success.
Berry had a two-fer Christmas this year – one with her Grandpa and Tine on Christmas Day, and another, which we called "Australian Christmas" when my parents arrived from Australia this month.
She got a Dora The Explorer Driving Adventure Van which (oh no!) sings and plays music, and several other presents which had been hidden away after she threw an excitement-overload tantrum on Christmas Day. We followed that up with an Australian-style Christmas dinner: chicken, potato salad and beetroot (I made mum bring a can from home) followed by plum pudding and custard. If I wasn't a civilised grown-up, I would've eaten the whole plum pudding by myself.
Cute little girls can totally get away with socks and sandals! And the little frocks just add more charm. Sweet picture!