My eighth birthday present: my brother Jules.
This photo was taken on the third day of his life (see the hospital band still on his left arm) and if you think he seems abnormally bulky, you'd be right. He weighed in at a completely unacceptable 10lbs 10oz – and this is why I've been earnestly asking Kickbaby not to take after Uncle Jules just yet.
Sadly, I don't think he's listening.
My obstetrician ordered a growth-study ultrasound because I'm still measuring three weeks ahead of where I should be. Nathan got me an appointment yesterday and later he went down and looked at the images with the radiologist, who said the following:
Kickbaby's measuring fully 34 weeks and 4 days (I'm only 31 weeks, 4 days).
His head is 95th percentile.
His body is 95th percentile.
His legs are 50th percentile (so, at least that's normal).
And lastly: "He's huge. Are you sure your wife doesn't have gestational diabetes or something?"
No, I absolutely do not have gestational diabetes.
For pitiful comparison's sake, Berry measured in the 4th (yes, fourth) percentile all over at birth, and stayed at the bottom of the charts for absolutely ages. The doctors are estimating that Kickbaby already weighs more than Berry did when she was born... he's going to be a whole new ballgame.
I've warned our families to resist any urges to buy cute-tiny-baby-clothes. Because, you know, he'll probably need a scooter or something.
(A shout-out to our intrepid mother – all five of us weighed at 10lbs or more at birth. Did I say intrepid? I meant unwise....)
(Wait: Aaron proudly informs me that he was the "runt" at a mere 9lbs 9oz. Yeah, I'm sure that makes a big difference.)
That's such a beautiful, endearing photo!
ReplyDelete.. but wow, a big baby!
oh my goodness! you're getting so close! very exciting. don't worry to much about how big baby is. half the time the doctors are wrong about the size. it'll all work out fine!!
ReplyDeletevery funny about asking the in-laws not to buy tiny baby clothes...i don't think I ever used newborn sizes with my kids when they were born. they grow SO FAST.
uh, oh. My babes were 9-4 and 9-15. Ouch. but at least they make for gorgeous fat newborns. Skinny nubes are weird-looking.
ReplyDeleteOh my!
ReplyDeleteBest of luck on your delivery...all I can say is epidural.
My son was a 6 pounder. I slept through the labor, woke up and 10 minutes later had a baby in my arms. I'm hoping to be that lucky again should we have another...fat chance.
Holy cow! (just and expression :)) That's a big boy there!
ReplyDeleteAny idea if they are thinking of inducing you if kickbaby gets unreasonably large? I mean, sounds like he's pretty well done!
lol at all the comments!
ReplyDeleteyou look so cute in that photo but my gosh, your brother looks like a giant!!!!
my babies were around the 6 pound mark...
hope all goes well for you!
oh,Helen, oh Helen is all I can say, and I wish you well!
ReplyDeleteI went to a birthing class with my pregnant friend a couple years ago, and they showed us around the nursery at the hospital. They were changing one of the newborns, who we were told weighed about 6 pounds, and I thought, "Huh, well, that doesn't look too bad, I could handle that...".
ReplyDeleteAnd then they brought out another baby and said, "And this little guy is about 8 pounds!"... at which point I thought, "Nope, not having kids, nuh uh, no way Jose." The size difference was a bit... scary.
... and THEN I realized that my husband and his brother were 10lbs and 11lbs, respectively, so if his genetics have anything to say about it, I'm in deep doodoo. Hah.
I wish you the best of luck!
I was a ten pound baby and my two oldest were, also. No worries, it hurts just as much to have a six pounder. I'm convinced of it.
ReplyDeleteBlessings to you!
*crosses legs*
ReplyDeleteWow! I was 2 and a half pounds, born three months early and undoubtedly looked 'weird'...
ReplyDeleteDon't worry Helen! I had a ten pound baby also and I agree with poster Kerry above...my seven pound baby hurt just as much as my ten pound baby. You'll be fine! Debra GC
ReplyDeleteOh my! The odds don't look in your favor. You mom is like a super hero! Very adorable photo of you and Jules. I'm sure there will be a similar on of Berry and Kickbaby.